Learn how to run facilitations that will inventory all your Jobs, Positions, and Roles.
Learn how to put this information in OGraph.io and move beyond the limits of an Org Chart.
Learn the most modern approach to design, capture, and visualize your entire organization.
As a leader, you want to know “Who is doing what and why?”
But there is a problem, we are really asking this deeper question… “Do my people know these things about their job?”
The purpose of their job
The positions they fill in their jobs
Who they report to
Who they are mentored by
Where they go for coaching
What teams they are a part of
What meetings they should attend
What entities they interact with
What workflows they participate in
What processes they maintain or follow
What systems they interface with
What their objectives are
What their key results are
What skills they need
What if things could be different?
Imagine what it would be like if your people understood and embraced this 14 Point Checklist about their job.
Introducing the Organizational Cognizance Model™
- What is the Purpose of my Job?
- What Positions do I fill as part of my Job? What is the Purpose of each Position?
- Who do I report to?
- Who is my Mentor?
- Who do I turn to for Coaching in each of my Positions?
- What Teams am I part of?
- What Meetings will I attend?
- What Entities (clients, projects, contracts, etc.) will I interact with?
- What Workflows do I participate in?
- What Processes will I follow and/or maintain?
- What Systems do I interface with and need to master?
- What are my Objectives?
- What are my Key Results?
- What Skills or Competencies do I need now and in the future?
Free Tool To Set Your Baseline
Organizational Cognizance Structure Survey™
Do you think your people can aswer the 14 point checklist? Take the survey on behalf of your organization for a quick way to see where you stand currently.

“The really cool thing about using an Org Graph was to get all of our people into the game. Once our Individual Contributors saw how this was something we were doing “For Them” instead of “To Them”, they bought in and the Org Graph bloomed with amazing detail – all supplied by the people who really know what’s going on, amazing.”

“When I sat down, faced the reality, and modeled the cost to my company of not bringing new people up to speed using the 14 Point Checklist, I saw it was in the hundreds of thousands.”

“Our engagement is up, our teams are more effective, people are able to go directly to the right person for an answer, when we want to change something we can SEE who it will impact and get them involved. All of this was hidden in the past behind layers of folders and files, text and outlines, never in simple diagrams and pictures, very powerful.”
Is this for me?
Learning how to teach and facilitate The Organizational Cognizance® Model is a valuable skill you can carry with you for the rest of your professional life.
What is Organizational Cognizance?
“Who is doing what, and why?” Question From Every Modern Day CEO
“What am I doing, and why?” Question From Every Modern Day Worker
What we mean by Organizational Cognizance® starts with reflecting on the natural gap between the two quotes above. A CEO wants to quickly understand: “Who is doing what, and why?” An IC (Individual Contributor) wants to be able to easily answer: “What am I doing, and why?” They both want the answers to be a click away, self serve, up to date, relevant and complete. They want the answers to provide direction and create cognizance around priorities and importance.
Why the word Cognizance and not Awareness?
Our founder, Walt Brown, likes to put it this way:
“We have 5 senses, we can feel, hear, smell, taste and see, these senses make us aware. So, let’s say we smell smoke, we are aware that we are smelling smoke, but when we know that what we are smelling is smoke from the cozy fire in the den, and not an electrical fire in the wall, that is cognizance. We believe everyone in a company should be given the opportunity to be organizationally cognizant from the C Suite to the frontline worker”.
So where do you start, It’s simple. Here is your plan.
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Learn how to run the facilitations for your organization
Gain Organizational Cognizance®
Engage everyone in answering “I know what I am doing and why”